Homeowners usually are not aware of the considerable damage that pesky birds can cause to their property. Examples of these invasive birds include myna, common starling, spotted dove, sparrows, pigeons, galas, crows, and seagulls. These birds can block your gutters with their nesting materials, enter your attic, as well as damage wiring and create fire hazards. But how do these pesky birds decide on places to build their nests.
In this article, we share the reasons why pest birds have possibly selected your property as their nominated place to live.
Like all pests, birds are attracted to places that overlook their food source and are adept at identifying these sources. Birds are good at spotting regular patterns and are more likely to crowd an area where people would regularly empty out bags of food at a certain places (e.g. behind restaurants where rubbish is emptied). In order to have an unobstructed view to their food source, birds select high vantage points to scout the surrounding area. These places usually include ridges of roofs, gutters, signs, chimneys, or other high areas on a property from where they can immediately swoop and capture their meal.
If you experience the unpleasant presence of invasive birds, then it might be time to investigate your surrounding area. Birds are not restricted by specific food diets and can consume anything from nuts, berries, fruits, and seeds to small insects and garden vegetables. If you happen to have a tree in your yard that regularly bears or contains any of these items, then this would make your home a prime roosting area. Anti-bird spikes are an effective method to humanely deter pest birds from your home while protecting your property.
Concealment and inaccessibility
The most important thing birds need in a nesting location is safety. Birds are constantly on the search for places where they can hide themselves and at least partially cover their nests, usually from the threat of other predators or the harsh climate. These nooks provide an ideal cover and is why you may often find birds holed up inside of plumbing ventilation shafts, garages, chimneys, damaged shingles, or gutters. A place that is hard to spot and sheltered blocks the access of larger predators, offering better protection for birds and their vulnerable eggs and offspring.
Pest birds may also settle for a more open nook or for windowsills, downspouts, railings, slanted roofing, shingles, and corners. It is also important to keep in mind that what may begin as an overnight roosting spot like a ledge, could eventually turn into permanent nesting site. If you find these spots in your homes invaded, seek the services of local professionals in installing gutter bird spikes. By preventing pigeons, seagulls or larger birds from landing on gutter ledges, you can then ensure nesting sites will not be formed.
Birds like pigeons and seagulls are highly social beings and typically travel in flocks or tend to gather in groups. With the presence of one pest bird, more could come. Once these invasive birds make their home, they will reproduce multiple times a year – often resulting in early morning rackets, hostile maternal birds protecting their young, and an abundance of bird droppings. It is always a good idea to contact a pest control company or bird spikes suppliers at the first sight of a problem.
Now that you have a better understanding as to why these pesky birds have selected your property among the others available, you can effectively deter them. At VEXO, we have over 30 years’ experience in producing custom-made, high quality bird deterrent spikes, manufactured through rigorous quality control and testing. For further information on our VEXO products, get in touch with our friendly team today!