HOW LONG DO BIRD SPIKES LAST Unveiling the Durability: A Deep Dive into the Lifespan of Bird Spikes – Stainless Steel Pinnacle of Longevity Vexo | 12th August 2024 In the realm of bird control solutions, bird spikes have emerged as a reliable and humane method to...
WHAT ARE BIRD SPIKES Understanding Bird Spikes and Their Crucial Role in Building Protection Vexo | 24th July 2024 As urban landscapes expand, so does the interaction between humans and wildlife. While birds bring a touch of nature to our surroundings, their presence...
HOW TO PROTECT SOLAR PANELS Vexo | 16th June 2024 Unleashing the Power of the Sun: A Comprehensive Guide to Protecting Your Solar PanelsHarnessing solar energy through solar panels is a sustainable and eco-friendly way to power our homes and businesses. However, to...
5 Common Mistakes When Body Corporates Neglect Pest Bird Prevention
5 Common Mistakes When Body Corporates Neglect Pest Bird Prevention Vexo | 26th April 2024 The adoption of solar energy has surged across Australia, with many residential buildings and homes embracing the green revolution. However, amidst the enthusiasm for renewable...
A Guide to Installing High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Knotted Netting
A Guide to Installing High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Knotted Netting Vexo | 7th March 2024 Birds, while magnificent in their natural habitats, can become a source of frustration when they intrude into spaces where they’re unwelcome. Whether it’s a...
Polycarbonate Bird Spikes vs. Stainless Steel Bird Spikes: A Comprehensive Comparison for Sustainable Bird Control
Polycarbonate Bird Spikes vs. Stainless Steel Bird Spikes: A Comprehensive Comparison for Sustainable Bird Control Vexo | 7th February 2024 Bird spikes are a popular and humane solution for preventing birds from perching or roosting on ledges, buildings, and other...
Solarguard – Engineered To Protect Your Solar Panels
Solarguard®: Engineered to protect your solar panels Vexo | 13th December 2023 Here are 6 reasons to install our Solarguard® Pro – VEXO on your solar panels Protect wildlife Minimise bushfire risk Pest control Kits have been designed UV resistance in mind...
The Great DIY Summer Holiday with VEXO
The Great DIY Summer Holiday with VEXO Vexo | 14th December 2023 Ah, the Great Australian summer holiday break – a time for barbies, beach trips, and battling the avian army and sneaky possums that seems to have declared your home its vacation destination. There’s no...
How do I protect my veggie patch from possums with VEXO
How do I protect my veggie patch from possums? Vexo | 7th December 2023 Ah, the eternal struggle between a veggie patch enthusiast and the cunning possum invaders – a tale as old as time, or at least as old as your first tomato plant. Firstly, let’s acknowledge...
How to deal with birds on your roof
Pest birds such as pigeons, Indian mynas and starlings have become well adapted with the urban sprawl and have become an invasive pest. These pest birds like to use building surfaces to scavenge, roost and build their nests within roofs where it is warm and protected to raise their young.

How to Bird Proof Solar Panels
Protecting solar panels is an important but often overlooked step for homeowners switching to sustainable energy. Birds nesting under solar panels will inevitably increase the amount of bird droppings on the panels rendering them ineffective over time and costly to clean and maintain.

Why Pest Birds Choose Your Property
Homeowners usually are not aware of the considerable damage that pesky birds can cause to their property. Examples of these invasive birds include myna, common starling, spotted dove, sparrows, pigeons, galas, crows, and seagulls.

5 Effective Ways to Prevent Birds from Nesting Around Your Home
Every spring, residential homes around Australia become the perfect breeding ground for birds. Around 830 unique species reside throughout the country, many of whom love roosting in the family home.

What Everybody Ought To Know About Bird Spikes
There are some key facts to know about bird spikes because often some misconceptions can arise. The words “bird” and “spike” could give the impression that these are hostile equipment that set out to impale rather than deter birds from landing and roosting on homes...
3 Important Reasons to Install Bird Spikes For Your Building
Pest birds cause damage, spread diseases and cost home owners and businesses thousands of dollars in repair and clean-up bills. Anti-bird spikes have been helping wage the war against pest birds roosting on properties. To understand why you should consider installing...
What You Need To Know About Bird Netting
Preparation is key when it comes to keeping invasive birds away from your premises. Pesky birds such as pigeons and gulls can often take up residence in the plumbing ventilation shafts, solar panels, garages, chimneys, and gutters of a home or workspace. These birds...
Expert Tips for Choosing The Right Bird Spikes
Birds can cause considerable damage to buildings with the build-up of nesting material, blocking rain gulley’s and their droppings being a health hazard to the humans who live and work near their nesting area. Some of the common bird pests in Australia include...
Pigeons Pose An Increasing Problem For Rooftop Solar Systems
Queensland tops the list for the highest number of solar power systems in a state. Along with this comes the growing problem of pigeons nesting under panels and making a mess of what was meant to be a wise investment. Homeowners invest in solar power to save...
Durability of bird spikes
Do the spikes you install last? In Australia, the industry standard for professional bird control spikes have traditionally been a polycarbonate base with stainless steel spikes. They are light and easy to break into smaller pieces by hand, however they breakdown...